Deje que UniAmerica Insurance lo proteja a usted y a su familia
¿Hora de renovar? ¿Acabas de comprar un auto o camión nuevo? Venga a hablar con nosotros y nos ocuparemos de sus necesidades de registro.

UniAmerica puede ayudarte a registrar tu vehículo. Necesitará:
- Un completado Solicitud de Título o Registro (Form REG 343).
- The Vehicle's Out-of-State Title.
- The Vehicle's Out-of-State Registration.
- Proof of Insurance.
- A Valid Smog Certificate.
- Payment for Fees (see "Fees" below).
After meeting all of the requirements, you will be issued your registration card and stickers.
The DMV offers a Vehicle Registration Fee Calculator that allows current and new residents of California to estimate their registration fees. It is important to note that a late fee will also be applied if you do not register your vehicle with the DMV within 20 days of establishing residency in California.